A hopefully funny recount of my
absolutely horrid January...
It all started out like any other January. Watching my dad get drunk and acting like a giant four year old girl who wants to be a disco dancing queen (cue music). Anyway at this drunken dance party I got stuck taking care of the children (Eesh!). They were ungrateful, sticky and babbling like babies (Oh, you thought I was talking about the children weren't you? No. I was talking about the "adults"). Skip forward about two weeks to the cream of the crop, the cherry on top of it all, the worst day of my life. January 9 2014, this was the day that my now ex boyfriend (more on HIM later) tried to kill himself. I know you're thinking "that's a little depressing.. why is she telling us this?" well I think that you will actually find my recount of it quite hilarious actually. So it all started out with "HIM" lets name him Joe for now... ok, so when I woke up I expected a cute, sweet "good morning" text but NOO Joe decided that id like a nice LONG (and I mean LONG) text message about how his life was horrible and he was depressed and that he had nothing (at this point I'm thinking "what am I? the loch ness monster??"). So after reading Joe's extremely depressing ESSAY that he sent me (therefore absolutely ruining my morning) and went off to the HE -double hockey sticks hole that I call my high school. fast forward through two periods of boredom (it might help for you to know that I sent Joe to my house and told him that I would "check up" on his whiny ass at lunch because apparently school was too much for him). So I braved the cold and walked back to my house (I live quite close to my school) and instead of my boyfriend I found a whimpering baby on my couch (it was pathetic) and this thing is getting quite long so ill wrap it up.. all in all he tried to kill himself (with one of my PINK *manly choice right?* childhood belts around his neck) I called the police (much to Joe's distaste might I add), the police took him to the hospital and then the lectures began...
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